Gillian Makes Herself

"But if you really want to live, why not try and make yourself?" -Incubus

Need to make some adjustments…

…and I decided that I need to change my 20 for 20 *facepalm.*

It just doesn’t resonate with me the way my 19 for 2019 did. I’m leaving some stuff, tweaking some, and getting rid of others altogether and doing something else. The stuff I’m tweaking and changing, incoming:

  • Put more energy into promoting my organization business, starting by posting at least once a week on Facebook. Once a month, if that. I love organizing, I’ll still do it, but it’s not important enough to me right now to put in any certain amount of time. So the new resolution: post to my organizing page and my craft page at least once a month.
  • Sign up for and sell my wood slice decor at a craft fair. Tweaking-spend this year figuring out what kinds of things I’m good at making. Start small with Emily’s wedding, and Christmas decorations. Try selling stuff around Christmas. If I can swing a fair, awesome. If I just try to sell a couple things on Facebook, that’s fine too. The goal this year will be to build up my skills and somewhat of an “inventory” of things I can make.
  • Play trumpet once a month. Ugh. I wish I wanted to do this more. I really do. It’s fun when I have something I’m working on, like when I did some recording with the Robs. Now this one is TBD. My brain is mush and I can’t think of anything right now.
  • Start improving my core strength. by doing a 30 day plank challenge. I’ve been working on my CEUs for my NASM certification, and there’s a lot of info about core strength in this book I’m reading. After I finish the reading, I’ll make a plan for myself.
  • I was waiting to come up with #20, but I think I need to take a “back to basics” approach. As school amped up, barbell club and working out in general fell by the wayside. At minimum, I need to do the three barbell workouts a week. Ideally, with 1-2 CrossFit workouts on the other days, but one thing at a time. I miss doing barbell consistently, I felt better, and I lost weight and kept it off.
    Also, I need to make sure I go to the class when I can. When I get out of work at 2, it’s a little easier to convince myself to go to the gym and get it done right after work instead of waiting until the 5:30 class, but I also have become somewhat of a loner after work and I think it’s messing with my head. I should, at the very least, go to the gym and interact with people.
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20 for 2020!

Working on my 19 for 2019 ended up being way more successful than a single New Year’s Resolution. I am going in 2020 way happier and healthier, and I don’t mind sounding cliche, because it’s true.

Some of the 20 for 20 is going to be very similar to last year. The things that I thought are important and I made some progress on, but not as much as I want, are things that I will add to the list again. Here. We. Go.

  1. Put more energy into promoting my organization business, starting by posting at least once a week on Facebook.
  2. Make yoga part of a weekly routine,
    2a. at home, using the practice Bernadette made me, and
    2b. by trying new yoga classes once a month.
  3. Read 12 new books.
  4. Watch 12 movies that aren’t new releases. (Shane cannot believe how many movies I haven’t seen. Oops.)
  5. Squat 300 pounds. I think I can do it. Last I tested a one-rep max, I was at 265.
  6. Complete (run or walk) at least 3 races (5K, 5 mile, or an obstacle course.) I’m already signed up for Dominate the Day in May 🙂
  7. Get my body weight under 200 lbs.
  8. Sign up for and sell my wood slice decor at a craft fair.
  9. Learn calligraphy and/or lettering. I’m thinking I’ll start with a workbook or PDFs.
  10. Keep a gratitude journal. Writing once or twice a week seems to be a good suggestion. I don’t think I focus enough on the great things I have in my life and I think it might be the key to lessening my anxiety (even more than I already have.)
  11. Schedule at least one check-in with my therapist. I stopped going to therapy in the fall because I felt like my time was better spent on the healthy coping mechanisms I have been using – using my time more wisely, not procrastinating, going to the gym, etc. She did suggest coming in, if I wanted, even if it was just once or twice.
  12. DON’T. PLAY. FALL. SOFTBALL. Softball friends, I love you dearly. Playing in the fall is just too much. Spring, almost definitely in. Summer, 10000% in. Fall, I cannot. Do it. Anymore.
  13. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.
  14. Start a streak on Duolingo, (I’ve been practicing Spanish). Try to hit at least a 100 day streak.
  15. Play trumpet once a month.
  16. Write out my lesson plans for kindergarten in a yearly format. Eventually, I’ll do it for each grade.
  17. Stop using large purses to carry all my school stuff because it’s ruining my shoulders.
  18. Start improving my core strength by doing a 30 day plank challenge.
  19. Try not to eat candy during the week. Already doing a horrible job today LOL.
  20. TBD. I can’t think of anything right now, and I want it to be something meaningful. I don’t want to use the things I already have started because I feel like that’s the easy way out. I’m working on renewing my NASM certification, using the debt snowball method, budgeting with an envelope system, and keeping up with barbell club and Crossfit. I’m constantly decluttering and organizing because I’m a weirdo who likes doing that stuff. I will definitely think of something.

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