Gillian Makes Herself

"But if you really want to live, why not try and make yourself?" -Incubus

20 for 2020!

Working on my 19 for 2019 ended up being way more successful than a single New Year’s Resolution. I am going in 2020 way happier and healthier, and I don’t mind sounding cliche, because it’s true.

Some of the 20 for 20 is going to be very similar to last year. The things that I thought are important and I made some progress on, but not as much as I want, are things that I will add to the list again. Here. We. Go.

  1. Put more energy into promoting my organization business, starting by posting at least once a week on Facebook.
  2. Make yoga part of a weekly routine,
    2a. at home, using the practice Bernadette made me, and
    2b. by trying new yoga classes once a month.
  3. Read 12 new books.
  4. Watch 12 movies that aren’t new releases. (Shane cannot believe how many movies I haven’t seen. Oops.)
  5. Squat 300 pounds. I think I can do it. Last I tested a one-rep max, I was at 265.
  6. Complete (run or walk) at least 3 races (5K, 5 mile, or an obstacle course.) I’m already signed up for Dominate the Day in May 🙂
  7. Get my body weight under 200 lbs.
  8. Sign up for and sell my wood slice decor at a craft fair.
  9. Learn calligraphy and/or lettering. I’m thinking I’ll start with a workbook or PDFs.
  10. Keep a gratitude journal. Writing once or twice a week seems to be a good suggestion. I don’t think I focus enough on the great things I have in my life and I think it might be the key to lessening my anxiety (even more than I already have.)
  11. Schedule at least one check-in with my therapist. I stopped going to therapy in the fall because I felt like my time was better spent on the healthy coping mechanisms I have been using – using my time more wisely, not procrastinating, going to the gym, etc. She did suggest coming in, if I wanted, even if it was just once or twice.
  12. DON’T. PLAY. FALL. SOFTBALL. Softball friends, I love you dearly. Playing in the fall is just too much. Spring, almost definitely in. Summer, 10000% in. Fall, I cannot. Do it. Anymore.
  13. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.
  14. Start a streak on Duolingo, (I’ve been practicing Spanish). Try to hit at least a 100 day streak.
  15. Play trumpet once a month.
  16. Write out my lesson plans for kindergarten in a yearly format. Eventually, I’ll do it for each grade.
  17. Stop using large purses to carry all my school stuff because it’s ruining my shoulders.
  18. Start improving my core strength by doing a 30 day plank challenge.
  19. Try not to eat candy during the week. Already doing a horrible job today LOL.
  20. TBD. I can’t think of anything right now, and I want it to be something meaningful. I don’t want to use the things I already have started because I feel like that’s the easy way out. I’m working on renewing my NASM certification, using the debt snowball method, budgeting with an envelope system, and keeping up with barbell club and Crossfit. I’m constantly decluttering and organizing because I’m a weirdo who likes doing that stuff. I will definitely think of something.

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Moving right along.

#8: Find a shampoo/conditioner combination that I actually like.
What I realized: I can’t be one of those girls that washes her hair only a few times a week. I don’t like the way it looks or feels. I have found that I’m fond of shampoo bars. That’s about it for that. (But check out Go Soap Yourself, one of my favorites for soaps and shampoo bars.)

 #9: Get a full car interior detail. (Probably in the spring)
I did. I wish I had money to do it more often. It’s pointless in the winter, anyway.

#10: Incorporate a yoga routine into my life. (Whether it’s a few moves a day, or going to a class, I think it’ll be good for me. I have a really tough time with using yoga as a mindfulness practice…I just can’t get into any sort of meditation without thinking it’s boring…I tell myself it will DEFINITELY help me with CrossFit and being more in shape.)

My beautiful friend Bernadette from worked with me to create a personalized yoga practice for home. I was really good about keeping up with it for awhile and I’m hoping to get back on track with it in 2020.

#11: Begin a serious search for a condo or house. (I’m super reluctant to put this on here.)
Though I didn’t buy, I met with a mortgage lender, and looked at a few condos. It was good to start thinking about the process and what I like and don’t like. 2020 looks a lot more promising in this category.

#12: Learn at least two more trumpet licks from DMB songs.
Not DMB, but I had a couple of recording sessions with Larock- one original, and one cover. I’m happy I played a little bit this summer.

#13: Find the paperwork for the Disney stock I own. Even if I don’t do anything with it, I should at least have the information for when I want to.
My aunt hasn’t found it yet. And it’s probably not much anyway. *Shrug*

#14: Lose at least 35 pounds. (I need to also tell myself it’s for my health, my doctor has said I need to, and not just for cosmetic reasons.)
I DID! I was 240 lbs. on Easter Sunday, 2019. On December 11, I was 204. I let myself enjoy Christmas, and I will be back trying to lose more in 2020.

#15: Buy a pair of Good American Jeans, or some other fancy brand I wouldn’t normally buy myself. (After I lose the 35 pounds, ideally.)
I literally don’t care about this one.

#16: Buy a new softball glove.
I did! And now I catch fly balls and the ball doesn’t fall out of my glove!

#17: Be able to do a handstand against the wall, again. (I used to be able to with ease.)
I JUST DID THIS!! A couple weeks ago at CrossFit, we were practicing and I FINALLY flipped up.

#18: Go to the beach 3x a month in June-August
I didn’t keep great track, but I did spend a few days at Misquamicut this year, which always makes me very happy.

#19: Visit an out of state friend.
Prague, obviously. And Maine with Brittney, so I was able to see her AND see a new state.

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19 for 19 Progress

  1. Blog here at least twice a month. Twice in January, once in February, and now this post in March.  Better than going months without posting like I was.
  2. Post to my Forever Organized Facebook Page at least once a week. – This has probably been the easiest one! I need to start following up when people express interest in having me over to help organize. I feel weird because I don’t want to seem like I’m begging them to give me money to help them. I’ll find a balance.
  3. Sort through and organize my “future house stuff” in the basement.  Condense and throw away/donate/sell what I don’t want or need. – Nope.
  4. Read, at minimum, one new book a month. – Yes! One in January and one in February, and getting through 11/22/63 slowly, but surely. If you’re not already following me on GoodReads, friend me! (That “friend me” link expires after 30 days – look me up under Gillian Ann.)
  5. Go to CrossFit at least once a week.  (Aiming small and hoping to get back into the routine.)(Out of 9 weeks, I’ve gone to CrossFit 5 of those weeks. I’ve thrown in some Planet Fitness workouts too, and I worked out when I went to Newport. This is a very slow momentum shift, but in the right direction.
  6. Complete at least two 5Ks, even if I have to walk at times.signed up for the Dominate the Day 5K, which is in May. If I lose my mind, I might sign up for the Branford Road Race in June…LOL.
  7. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.  (This one will be hard, but it needs to be done. I also may need more than this; time will tell.) I’m more mindful of how much water I’m drinking…like realizing how many hours I go without it. This may come as a surprise to people who spend a lot of time with me, since I refill my water at restaurants 800 times a dinner and always have a water bottle with me.  I haven’t hit 64 ounces very often so far this year.
  8. Find a shampoo/conditioner combination that I actually like.YES!! I’m probably going to write a stand alone post about how much I love my Living Proof hair care stuff, haha!
  9.  Get a full car interior detail. (Probably in the spring) – Yeah, in the spring.
  10. Incorporate a yoga routine into my life. (Whether it’s a few moves a day, or going to a class, I think it’ll be good for me. I have a really tough time with using yoga as a mindfulness practice…I just can’t get into any sort of meditation without thinking it’s boring…I tell myself it will DEFINITELY help me with CrossFit and being more in shape.)I planned to go Saturday…then it snowed…. *Shrugs*
  11. Begin a serious search for a condo or house. (I’m super reluctant to put this on here.) I’ve been visiting condos and houses, and I got pre-approved for a mortgage. It still freaks me out, but I can’t buy anything if I don’t look and get to know what I like.
  12. Learn at least two more trumpet licks from DMB songs.Not yet.
  13. Find the paperwork for the Disney stock I own. Even if I don’t do anything with it, I should at least have the information for when I want to.I started trying to do this, I need my aunt to give it to me since she and my uncle are the ones that gave it to me.
  14. Lose at least 35 pounds. (I need to also tell myself it’s for my health, my doctor has said I need to, and not just for cosmetic reasons.) – LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  15. Buy a pair of Good American Jeans, or some other fancy brand I wouldn’t normally buy myself. (After I lose the 35 pounds, ideally.) – See above.
  16. Buy a new softball glove. – I did. And now I feel like I’m cheating on my old glove. Not that I was getting rid of it anyway, it’s my dad’s. It’s the only glove I’ve used since I was 14. Sometimes being overly emotional and nostalgic, sucks.  I’ll most likely be carrying them both in my bag all summer.
  17. Be able to do a handstand against the wall, again. (I used to be able to with ease.) – TBD.
  18. Go to the beach 3x a month in June-August, and 1x a month during the other months. Walk by the beach for a few minutes in the winter, look for sea glass in the spring, etc. It’s too damn cold. I’m modifying this to include summer only.
  19. Visit an out of state friend.Also TBD.
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19 for 2019, as inspired by Gretchen Rubin.

I haven’t blogged in awhile.  If I only had a nickel for every time…

I’ve mentioned that one of my favorite podcasts is Happier with Gretchen Rubin and Liz Craft.  They talked last year about creating a list of 18 things they wanted to complete in 2018, and they just did a follow-up with how much they accomplished.  The activities on the list could be large undertakings, or small, but they should be specific.  I decided that my list of 19 for 2019 would be a good way to jump back into blogging.

It only makes sense that #1 is…

  1. Blog here at least twice a month.
  2. Post to my Forever Organized Facebook Page at least once a week.
  3. Sort through and organize my “future house stuff” in the basement.  Condense and throw away/donate/sell what I don’t want or need.
  4. Read, at minimum, one new book a month.
  5. Go to CrossFit at least once a week.  (Aiming small and hoping to get back into the routine.)
  6. Complete at least two 5Ks, even if I have to walk at times.
  7. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.  (This one will be hard, but it needs to be done. I also may need more than this; time will tell.)
  8. Find a shampoo/conditioner combination that I actually like.
  9.  Get a full car interior detail. (Probably in the spring)
  10. Incorporate a yoga routine into my life. (Whether it’s a few moves a day, or going to a class, I think it’ll be good for me. I have a really tough time with using yoga as a mindfulness practice…I just can’t get into any sort of meditation without thinking it’s boring…I tell myself it will DEFINITELY help me with CrossFit and being more in shape.)
  11. Begin a serious search for a condo or house. (I’m super reluctant to put this on here.)
  12. Learn at least two more trumpet licks from DMB songs.
  13. Find the paperwork for the Disney stock I own. Even if I don’t do anything with it, I should at least have the information for when I want to.
  14. Lose at least 35 pounds. (I need to also tell myself it’s for my health, my doctor has said I need to, and not just for cosmetic reasons.)
  15. Buy a pair of Good American Jeans, or some other fancy brand I wouldn’t normally buy myself. (After I lose the 35 pounds, ideally.)
  16. Buy a new softball glove.
  17. Be able to do a handstand against the wall, again. (I used to be able to with ease.)
  18. Go to the beach 3x a month in June-August, and 1x a month during the other months. Walk by the beach for a few minutes in the winter, look for sea glass in the spring, etc.
  19. Visit an out of state friend.
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You want me to do what??

The next Yoga challenge from #100yogagrams is Sit and Breathe.  Without even looking at any other days, this is by far the hardest for me.  I will probably have an easier time trying to stand on my head.

Prior to this, I downloaded the 10% Happier app, thinking maybe I need some meditation in my life.  Not crazy amounts of meditation, but maybe a few minutes here and there to keep my emotions in check.

Yeah, right.

All I could think the entire time was how much I hate the word “belly.”  Yes.  Belly.  Some people hate “moist” or “chunky.”  I hate belly.  No particular reason.  Just do.

Now that the rant is over…

I have to go sit and take 5 deep breaths now.  (Which, if you follow me on Facebook, you also know I hate when people advise me to take a deep breath.)

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When I think of people who have truly mastered yoga, I think of them as graceful.  I did Down Dog for Day 7, and completed a brief Vinyasa Sequence for Day 8…and tonight after the sequence, I promptly knocked over an entire glass of water.  All over my bedroom floor.  And part of my comforter.  Oh, me.

Also, to my dismay, the #100yogagrams stops at #42!  I’m hoping to use some other yoga apps and books to help fill in after day 42.

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The Cobra is helpful when I’m having sciatica pain, so I’ve done it in the past on its own.

Picking up with day 6. Stomach bug last week destroyed me. I went to the gym two days in a row and squeezed in a day of CrossFit…then was out of work for 3 days and didn’t eat for a week. That was fun. 😒

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#Yogagrams Day 4 & 5 and Raven’s Wing

I really like this challenge: it’s so simple, a good learning experience, and requires very little time.

Day 4 was yesterday, (and I did it yesterday), and I did Day 5 at the gym right before I left.

The Forward Fold just feels great after working out, or even as a reset to your day, as Sarah writes in the daily post.

The Plank was a good addition to the other core exercises I did at the gym today.

I think the goal after the next pay day is to finally sign up for Raven’s Wing in Branford, at least for the new student membership.  It’s $40 for unlimited classes for the month, so you can’t really go wrong.  A lot of places, just from my experience and Googling, are somewhere between $10-20 for a drop-in fee.  I’d love to get a group of people to sign up with me so we can make plans to go together on different days or for different classes.

The East Haven library also has Yoga Saturday’s at 11 am and Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm, and the drop-in is $5.  Just another option for anybody that would like to join!

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I’m already a day behind *facepalm*

But that’s why this Yoga thing is such a small, manageable goal.  I’ll just learn two poses today 🙂

Day 2 is tree pose and today, Day 3, is Mountain Man, Mountain Pose.

I think the goal for me here is to just learn the basics so that if/when I do go to a yoga class, I have a better idea of what the instructor is talking about!

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I did not resolve to blog more often.

Happy New Year!  Even though, I have to say, the calendar switch in January means very little to me.  I’ve been on a school schedule since I was, like, 3, so there’s no feeling of beginning or end.

As I’ve been saying for quite some time, I want to get more into yoga.  I do.  I just don’t do it.  I suppose I like the idea more than the execution.

I found 100 days of YogaGrams and it seems very doable, so I’m going to start there.  Today is Day 1-Restorative chest opener.

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