Gillian Makes Herself

"But if you really want to live, why not try and make yourself?" -Incubus

Other things that make me.

Not much to talk about on the weight loss front, since it’s only been a week, though I am down a pound.  Tomorrow we are starting a new weight loss challenge at work with a fairly decent $$$ prize for only 7 people signed up (so far).

Whether or not I am successful with these things is a completely different topic, but there’s a lot of things I try to do to learn new things and make myself a better person.  It’s not easy for me, but I’m trying.

The first thing has been a couple of books-one I just finished, one I am about to start, and one I want to get.

This is the one I just finished.  It’s a light read, nothing extremely groundbreaking, but plenty of good anecdotes and things to think about.  The ending really got me thinking about the way I react to things day to day.

This is the one I’m just starting, for obvious reasons-I gain weight because I eat to soothe myself and make myself feel good.

I need this book.  Gretchen Rubin’s explanation of how your personality influences the choices you make and how you react to other’s choices is SPOT. ON.  I listen to her podcast, which leads me to my next point…

I looooooove podcasts, especially when I’m driving, running, or doing something like laundry or cleaning my room.





I won’t go into much detail about each one, but I love them because they give me something to think about.  Barbell Shrugged and Pursuing Health give me practical advice about CrossFit and fitness in general.  Freakonomics and This American Life have some fantastic episodes that dive deeper into parts of life that you otherwise may not have picked apart and learned about.  Beautiful/Anonymous and Sincerely, X share stories from anonymous speakers-B/A can be lighthearted or serious depending on the episode; X stories are more serious, but thought-provoking.

Even if none of these are for you, go find a podcast that matches your interests.  To me, they’re better than TV, more convenient than books, and fun to look forward to.

Gretchen Rubin always ends Happier with: “Onward and upward.”

So, here we go.

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“We are the music makers…”

I mean, I know I’m quite literally a music maker, but I was listening to my new favorite podcast, The Music Makers, when I was inspired to write this post.  I stumbled upon episode 010-Most People Won’t.

This particular episodes reiterates the fact that most people won’t…do anything.  Really, anything.  They won’t improve, create, build, etc.  The episodes are rather short and sweet, so I won’t go over it word for word in case you want to listen to it yourself.  The show’s host, Aaron Francis, reviews some bad and good points about this little fact of life, but one struck me as most important.

If you DO “do” whatever “thing” is in your head, you’ve already won.  This is where I struggle.  I say I don’t have time to blog, but, honestly, whenever I think about, I say…”I don’t have a following like some of the other blogs I read.  I don’t make money off this blog.  I don’t write as well as my boyfriend can.  It really doesn’t matter if I post today or not.

Same thing with the gym.  “I can’t RX any workouts, (a.k.a., do them exactly as written) at CrossFit ever.  I can’t do the strict pull-ups/handstand walk/muscle-ups, so if they’re in the workout, it doesn’t even matter if I skip.”

It made me thing of another blogger/author/speaker that I love dearly-Gretchen Rubin.  She has several “Secrets of Adulthood” that she writes about in her books.  One that she also talks about on her podcast, Happier With Gretchen Rubin, is:


I need, need, NEED to remember this.  The blog post I do write is much better than one I never post.  I won’t improve my writing if I don’t write.  Working out and modifying everything at CrossFit is better than not working out at all, and instead sitting in my room, alone, watching TV, and probably eating.

This won’t be easy.  I will not be perfect.  But I can try.  TGIF.

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CrossFit, Podcasts, Coffee, and Books, aka, 1 Week and 2 Days left of Vacation

Trying to start up blogging again is probably not the best idea when school starts next week for me, but I suppose there’s no time like the present. A few things I’m obsessed with and hope to stick with going into the school year:

CrossFit: I’ve been going a solid 3 times a week at least, with an occasional workout at In Shape. There’s no reason I can’t get to BCF 3x a week when work starts, so that is my goal to start.

Podcasts: I like listening to them when I’m cleaning or laying out or something along those lines. Barbell Shrugged and Happier with Gretchen Rubin are two of my favorites…I know, quite a contrast, but I’m a girl with varied interests.

Coffee: I spend an insane amount of money at Starbucks, so today I spent more money at Starbucks, this time to buy coffee beans. I’m going to try to make cold brew at home every week to have when school starts, instead of going to Dunkin before work.

Books: I finished Fight Club and A Farewell To Arms, and am starting Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller, all books that Jordan got me last Christmas. I’m also starting Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin, and The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory.

I’m very thankful that it’s a nice day out. Hopefully I am back sooner rather than later.

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